My 7 favorite Ferrari colors

James Evans
6 min readMay 30, 2020
Image Source: ROSSOautomobili

Following on from my recent Porsche Paint To Sample (PTS) article I thought that I would also share some of my favorite Ferrari colors in a new blog post. Today around 45% of all new Ferrari’s are ordered in Red (it was around 85% in the 1990s). However, only one of the colors on my list is red, and even this one is quite different from the signature Rosso Corsa that is typically associated with Ferraris.

Azzurro California

Image Source: James Edition
Image Source: James Edition
Image Source: Pinterest

Azzurro California is an elegant metallic light blue that works well on modern Ferrari's. I did not really appreciate this color until I saw it on the 458 Speciale Aperta in the top two photos above, but now I feel this is one of the best colors to show off the lines of the car. Alternate colors would include Grigio Alloy, and the classic Argento Nurburgring, which is a beautiful metallic silver paint.



James Evans

Singapore based writer, snowboarder, gym goer, digital artist and aspiring racing driver