Measuring the Business Value of an Enterprise Social Network

James Evans
6 min readMar 28, 2021
Measuring Business Value: Quantitative Vs Qualitative

This blog post was originally publishing in 2013 on the Microsoft 365 Blog.

At YamJam’12, our conference in San Francisco last October, there was much discussion around the best way to measure business value of an Enterprise Social Network. While there are many variables to consider, the best approach can be tricky to determine. Each company should look to a combination of financial and non-financial measures that link back to the company’s mission, vision, strategy and business priorities.

In order to begin digging into the value of your network, you must first examine the content and context of conversations and activity happening. For example, a high volume of conversation on a network is great on the surface; however, without knowing the context behind these conversations, it is difficult to quantify their value. Even knowing the context of conversations, you must still understand the business outcomes these conversations bring to the organization. Business value comes from capturing and understanding these outcomes.

The journey to realizing business value

When to start measuring



James Evans

Singapore based writer, snowboarder, gym goer, digital artist and aspiring racing driver